Global Now Pte. Ltd



WW Energy Consumption by Source

World energy consumption never stops, keeps growing. Fossil fuel has been the major source (83%) in world energy consumption

World energy consumption decreases only at disaster like Covid or Lehman Incident.

CO2 emission trend

With growing fossil fuel consumption, CO2 emission have increased
Human activities like energy consumption and industry emission have been reported as the main source of Green house gas effect.

Green house gas effect is the natural warming of the earth when gases trap the sun’s heat in the atmosphere However, in the last century,
human activities have caused increasingly high concentrations of GHG, Which is trapping too much heat

World’s current efforts for global warming

  • NDC (Country-level GHG Reduction)

    Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted by countries under the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) represent pledges on climate action that seek to limit global warming to well below 2°C, preferably to 1.5 °C, over pre-industrial levels.

  • SBTI (Corporate-level GHG Reduction)

    Science Based Target Initiative(SBTI)provide the independent third party target assessment (Scientific verification of decarbonizing target) to company In the SBTI, all emission need to be categorized.

    • Scope 1 : Direct Emission from the company
    • Scope 2 : Energy Consumption

UN’s history of green house gas reduction

Year Name Place Key Out Put / Comment
1992 Rio summit Rio de Janeiro brazil UNFCCC Set Up
1997 COP 3 Kyoto, Japan Kyoto protocol (38 industrial countries)
2007 COP 13/CMP 3 Bali, Indonesia Quantitative target, embodiment of reduction
2010 COP 16/CMP 6 Cancún, Mexico CTCN(Korea)/ Tech migration to developing country
2011 COP 17/CMP 7 Durban, South Africa Legal instrument /Legal Force of all UN countries
2015 COP 21/CMP 11 Paris, France 45% by 2030, Net Zero by2050
2020 Cancel / Covid
2021 COP 26/CMP 16/CMA 3 Glasgow, Scotland, UK Short term NDS
  • COP : the Conference of the Parties / The supreme body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (당사국총회)
  • CMP : the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
  • CMA : the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement
  • Kyoto Protocol : An international agreement signed in 1997 and which came into force in 2005, standing on its own, and requiring separate ratification by
    governments, but linked to the UNFCCC. The Kyoto Protocol, among other things, sets binding targets for the reduction of GHG emissions by industrialized
  • CTCN : Climate Technology center and Network : Tech migration from developed to developing
  • Nationally determined contribution (NDC) : Submissions by countries that have ratified the Paris Agreement which presents their national efforts to reach the
    Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal of limiting warming to well below 2°C. New or updated NDCs are to be submitted in 2020 and every five years
    thereafter. NDCs thus represent a country’s current ambition or target for reducing emissions nationally

CO2 Emission reduction target : 50% by 2030

Increased green house as can lead the uncontrollable temp increase at CY 2100 To prevent this disastrous global warming effect,
50% reduction CO2 by 2030 was suggested.

The Climate Action Tracker is an independent scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against the globally agreed Paris
Agreement aim of "holding warming well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C." A collaboration of two organisations, Climate Analytics and
NewClimate Institute, the CAT has been providing this independent analysis to policymakers since 2009.

Current 2030 reduction target by countries

Current NDC(Nationally Determined Contribution) are highly insufficient

Green house gas emission by source

The emission reduction high opportunity : Fossil → Renewable Energy & EV

  • High opportunity of reduction

    • Industry Energy(24%)
    • Road Transportation (11.9%)
    • Fuel combustion at fuel production (7.8%)
    • fugitive emission at fuel production (5.8%)
  • Low opportunity of reduction : Indispensable consumption, Inevitable Emission

    • Industry/Waste/Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (26,8%)
    • Cement (3%) / Petrochemical (2.2%)
    • Wastewater Source(1.3%) Landfill(Garbage Gas)(1.9%)
    • Cropland(1.4%), Crop Burning(3.5%), Rice Cultivation(1.3%), Deforestation(2.2%), Agriculture Soil (4.1%), Livestock(5.8%)

Investment potential opportunity at Green

Total 32 Trillion US Dollar investment opportunity at World wide net zero.

  • The main sectors are renewable Energy generation & Transportation (Same as our simulation)
  • The main areas are Asia, US, EU
  • US IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) = 1 Trillion USD (Government + Private sectors)
  • EU RepowerEU & RMA (Raw Material Act)) = 1 Trillion USD (Government + Private sectors)

Electricity consumption of Semi-conductor

Semiconductor manufacturing requires so much electricity, and another bad news is EUV use 10 times larger energy than DUV

WW Fabs’ green status by source

Scope 2 (Energy consumption) is the main source of emission
Facilities are the main source of energy consumption

Fab Energy consumption breakdown

Heating energy consumption is No3 energy consumer at Fab
Inner heater is the innovation tech of heating system

Category Detail
Process Thin film/Photo/ Etch
Cooling Water chiller(20.6%)
PCW (5.8%) : Process Chilled Water
Chiller Pump (1.2%)
Heating CDA : Compressed dry Air
Air Compressor
Air Storage tank
Water DIW(3.2%) : DI water
UPW(1.3) : Ultra Pure Water
  • Source : Energy savings approaches for high-tech manufacturing factories / National Taipei university of tech, Ming chi university, Royal institute of technology,
  • Data : Small fab at Taiwan which uses 0.16 TWh